The AI platform for M&A Professionals
Callisto structures your Data Room so you can work with it at 10x the speed and quality.
15mins, just to see if it's a fit.
Answers to all your questions.
We empower the M&A industry with the best of AI technology.
Callisto structures your data internally and is able to analyze it in the context of external data to give you the best answers. We aim to supercharge the whole M&A business process so you can get the best results, focus on where your addded value lies and deliver the best experience for your clients.
saved / week
10-20 Hours
more data reviewed
Q&A Automation

Q&A Automation

What used to take days now takes minutes. Get thousands of questions answered in real time, with better quality and clear sources.

  • Import and process thousands of questions in minutes
  • All sources and reasoning included
  • Import and export data to Excel
Trust at the Heart of the Process

Trust at the Heart of the Process

No black box effect — trace all AI reasoning, sourced from your documents

  • Citations are at the paragraph level
  • Get access to the AI's reasoning
  • Metrics for the AI's confidence
Answer your clients' requests faster and better

Answer your clients' requests faster and better

Automate data structuration at scale. Any document, any structure. Prepare your meetings and respond to clients faster.

  • Analyze documents in parallel within minutes
  • Extract precise and complex information
  • Export directly to Excel

Have questions?
We've got you covered.